Wednesday, October 2, 2013


March 2013
We bought our house back in 2009, which you would think there would be some modern touches especially since it was a model before that, but no. We had these fabulous banisters that were a marvelous Oak color, not a fan.
After doing a ton of research online and everyone said to use Porch/ Patio Paint. It didn't take much convincing on my husband's part, he's game for anything. So we took down the Banister to make it easier to paint around the spindles, I don't know if I would do that again...

 I kept having day dreams that my girls were waking up in the middle of the night and falling off the ledge! So they slept in our room for a few nights until the project was done!

I sanded and sanded some more then started slapping the paint on. I probably did five coats of the paint over a few days, then let it dry really well for a few days. And just used a rub on 
Polyurethane and it was done! 
Oh and we had to put the Banister back up... not super fun. 
I did nail the spindles back down but I don't have a picture of that! 


I would suggest leaving it all together and taking the time to sand and paint around all the spindles. 
But we love it! I'm thinking about painting the goose necks a cream color... but not today! 

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